Notice about the novel coronavirus – Dental Clinic Arrangement
Dear Sir/ Madam,
About the novel coronavirus
In view of the novel coronavirus infection and with reference to the guideline of the DEPARTMENT OF Health, we will now stop all bookings of the dental treatment which involves aerosol generating during the dental procedures until further announcement of the Government. All affected members will be informed by our Website https://www.health-way.org/ Notice. Thank you for your attention and consideration.
本公司根据香港政府卫生防护中心致全港牙医的指引丶考虑病人风险及安全。所有可能涉及或产生飞沫的牙科治疗歩骤需暂停诊症及预约,有关安排直至疫情舒援为止本公司会透过网页 https://www.health-way.org/ , 不断更新相关资讯, 给予受影响之会员参考。